Tuesday, November 30


I'm like such a whiny and sensitive bitch!

Thursday, November 25


In Latin avaritia and otherwise known as avarice, greed is most associated with people who wish to get rich at any cost. Greed causes you to want 'things' more and more. Covetousness is a characteristic of greed. Greed leads you to want or covet other peoples' things. As a result you may cheat or betray and ultimately you may steal and rob.

Animal symbol - The frog

Colour - Yellow

Punishment - boiled alive in oil. Apparently the oil was of a very good quality. Not sure how this makes a difference.

can't fight this feeling

Wednesday, November 24

Met with Cheryl after such a long time, and I can never quite understand why we just stop meeting some of our friends after such a long time. But all this time apart never does anything to our friendship, we're still like that, talking about anything at all. Pausing, pondering, silence between us, and then carrying on again.
Topics discussed, tracks of life exchanged, and realising growth, but not apart. That's always really sweet and fuzzy. Pleasant, gentle feeling around you chest, where I guess the heart is supposed to be.

Tuesday, November 23

I used to be so concern, that it made everything uncomfortable and tiring, and motherfucking a huge heartache for me

But no, slowly becoming less concerned, and I become concern that I'm not concerned enough, and it'll make things unhappy for me.
That's just screwed up. Read too much TaoLin

Monday, November 22



In Latin gula, gluttony is too much of anything but particularly food and drink. But gluttony is also thoughtlessness, waste and unwillingness to share with others. Anything more than you need is gluttony.

Animal symbol - The pig (what else?!)

Colour - Orange

Punishment - forced to eat snakes, rats and toads.

Sunday, November 21

seven deadly sins-one


In Latin luxuria, pursuit of physical (body) pleasure at the expense of the spiritual (thoughts). Associated with adultery and having sex without the purpose of having children.

Animal symbol - The cow and snake.

Colour - blue

Punishment - fire and brimstone (lots of it). Remember the scene in Shrek?

Tuesday, November 16

Be critical, be critical on yourself. If you don't want the world to be critical on you.

Gahhhhhh don't think don't think don't think don't think don't think. Motherfuckers

this will drive me insane

hi there, I miss you you you you you you you you and you. sigh. So many yous, so much,almost too much for me to think about

The person you love is 72.8% water
for as long as i know and i know
that you’ll never care
because no-one ever cared
for free

Monday, November 15

Assignment 3 CreatSt

Sighhh, so boring.
Laneway's exciting, 2011 come soon!

Sunday, November 14

Glenn Barr

Kinda reminds me of Gary Baseman(as in the entire look of it all) I like em both!

Saturday, November 13

Thursday, November 11

literally and not

Do you realise?

That was really awesome.

Steven was awesome love him, Wayne was really warm and friendly, Kliph was nice too. Michael Ivin's was just sitting there doing his stuff.
What was that young dude's name? He stoned throughout the show but he's cute.

Raveonettes were cute, really adorable with great music. What a night what a night.

Wednesday, November 10

Submission to next monday,

Gonna go convince Justin with my final sculpture ideas and fill my journal in, maybe if things feel right, I might redo my fucking stolen kinetic mobile. If I find out who that motherfucker was, I'll beat the shit outta him/her

Edward Gorey

Tiina Itkonen

Tuesday, November 9

School is so damn motherfucking tiring
Everything seems to be making me depressed.

Everything seems to twirl around me. Everything's moving so around. Round and round and round, gently teasing my hair, gently sweeping my clothes. But, yeah, it goes round, and I'm not in it. WAtching things go by as usual

Sunday, November 7

I always try not to think too much, not to make my brain boil with unneccessary thoughts, but it happens anyway.

I feel like I'm sucking too much inwards.

Saturday, November 6

strangely, transcends quality huh

Thursday, November 4

We have litter everywhere,
In the ocean
On Mt Everest
On land
In the solar system

We're gonna explode, the universe can't contain the expansion anymore

Brother being silly and annoying

Tuesday, November 2

Monday, November 1

dear dear dear
bring me to this pleaseeeeeeeee
wahidah better give me consultation schedule for next week tmr, i'm going to die if i don't catch them
full length set form the raveonettes, are you kidding me!

i used to think
that it is about security and assurance
but i have figured
it is actually really about
awesome companionship