Tuesday, April 19


Especially people I love, like my mother and my grandmother and my sisters.
Like lying.
Like playing the oh-I'm-so-poor-thing-cos-I'm-bankrupt card.
Who gives a s***?
It's been what? 13 years?
Grow up.
Grow some balls.

Hahah so true so true, can't agree with you more Cleo.
I just got back from the trip to Aussie, and I totally enjoyed Xander Cleo and Jude's company. Fun fun fun, pretty motivating conversations I held with them.
Got me thinking and something has got to be done to help myself. Like right now.

Because it doesn't seem like anything else is going to help me. Especially not the situation at home. Feel like a bitch to my grandmother but I've been pretty sick of the whole situation and feeling so weighed down, when I'm not supposed to be.
And talking to Cleo and Jude made me realise how awful I've been feeling.
Well feeling responsible is fine I guess. But not at this magnitude. Not so overwhelming.
But there's probably nothing else that can be done.
It's either me or no one. And I doubt "no one" is an option.

1 comment:

  1. regardless, i'm glad she has u. and what u mean by u feel like a bitch to her? i think u're pretty nice to her already. i'm sorry u're overwhelmed. wish i could help :(
